Steinhardt for Senate

Thank you!
Doug's Campaign Message to the Residents of LD23

“I am proud of the hard work that’s going into preserving this property,” said Steinhardt. “These are exactly the kinds of outcomes we can achieve when multiple stakeholders come together.”
On April 20, 2023 Senator Doug Steinhardt organized and hosted a transportation, safety and traffic congestion tour of Warren and northern Hunterdon Counties, attended by then-New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Diane Guiterrez-Scaccetti, Assemblymen John DiMaio and Erik Peterson, Warren County Commissioners Lori Ciesla, James Kern and Jason Sarnoski, and other area leaders.

“I’m entering this fight because my family and thousands of my constituents were shocked and appalled when the State launched this attack on the fundamental right of parents to raise their kids,” said Steinhardt. “I can’t sit by idly while an activist Attorney General abuses the power of his office by trying to assert the State’s will over the God-given rights of good parents everywhere to protect and love their own children. It’s wrong, and they won’t be silenced – not on my watch.”

"It is a wake up call to human kind everywhere that good must be vigilant. Good must be strong. Good must persevere. Or good will perish. Good must stand with good. And America and its allies must stand shoulder to shoulder with the men, women and children of Israel and against the axis of evil that is Hamas terrorists and their accomplices.
Because, good will always prevail as long as there are good people willing to defend it. Good will always prevail as long as there are good people willing to fight for their faith, family, home and Country. That very fight is unfolding overseas in Israel right now.
I encourage the world to stand with good. To stand with Israel. And to stomp out evil once and for all.
I wish human kind peace and love. Good health. And, God bless.”